Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Growl is Sometimes More Than Just a Growl

I know for those of you who read Princess Maddie Jane's blog will have already heard this story, but that is from her warped point of view.....

When I start to wake up in the mornings, my husband will sometimes put my little black dog, Maddie, on the bed.  And when she gets on the bed and I'm laying on my back, she loves to get on top of my stomach and stare at me until I wake up.  Well, the other morning when this was the case, and she was laying there all still and starring at me, it was very quite and then....my stomach growled......OMG... she bolted into the air with this look of horror on her face and pretty much crawled across the air onto the floor (I'm not quite sure if she touch the bed even) and ran right out of the bedroom.  It took her sometime before she would come near me, but kept a close eye on me all morning!!

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