Saturday, March 17, 2012

Am I Just Not a Good Host?

    Here I am in the middle of the night and again can't sleep.....I remember stories my mom would tell me of how I loved to sleep and that she never had trouble getting me to take my naps, but had hard times waking me up.  And as much as I would love to sleep, occasionally I would as a child, not be able to fall asleep right away and I would come out of my room after which would feel like an eternity! (mom said it would be about 5 minutes) I would come out of my room and announce that "My Sleep Won't Come".  Now my sleep does come.....about 9 pm (when did I become my parents falling asleep on the couch in mid sentence? ). However, now "My Sleep Won't STAY", so I must be a bad Host.

    I use to think that when I heard older people talk about how they would not be able to sleep and be awake through out the night, that they were doing something wrong.  How could you not stay asleep?.....I still don't know the answer, but now I'm living the question.  Oh, and the getting up in the middle of the night to go pee?  yeah, that too....I try now NOT to drink anything after dinner, but dang it all if I don't have meds to take!  When my husband gets up during the night to go the bathroom, I always ask "where are you going?"  to which he likes to come up with some doozies of a story....I told you he thinks he's a comedian.   Blast it all, no matter how much we try to fight it, we become our parents and all that comes with it....sleep or not!


  1. Hey I find myself going to bed at the ripe time of 9:30. Friday night however I stayed up till 1:00am reading the Hunger Games. But yeah, I'm much younger than you and I having the same sleep and waking issues.

    As a side bit of amusement, during last nights storm poor Chopsticks felt the need to crawl under the covers at 4:30am. Bout scared the life out of me.

    1. LOL. We need to video your cat fetching his straws and post it.

  2. I am thinking I need to document my inexperiance in home improvement. I am the NEWB of all NEWBIES. You would think with the internet that DIY home improvement is that much easier...but it's not.

    We moved in at the beginning of November and I went totally crazy with the paint chip samples. I taped them to the wall, marked the ones I liked the most, then moved them to other walls and noted the ones I liked there too...different lighting at different times in the day. Finally I narrowed it to 3 colors.

    Then I realize that the trim needs to be done. But it't not just as simple as painting the trim. I have white trim, wood shellacked trim and wood stained trim (thay are all different and have different requirements when it comes to re-painting).

    Then there is the debate as to which should be done first...trim or the walls...oy!

    SOOOO that brings me back to deciding on my three colors. I went to the hardware store and picked up my samples. Now DO NOT LAUGH AT ME OKAY, but I didnt know where to get the paint can opener and felt to embarrassed to ask. After about 5 minutes I asked and the lady just gave me one (not sure she felt sorry for me or if they are actually free). I go home and I paint a swatch on every wall....and I'm not sure. Ken's no help he's like "it's three shades of gray...I don't care".

    I have read that painting is the easiest thing to do in terms of home improvement. If that's the case I am in serious trouble.
