Friday, February 3, 2012

Well It's Not Quite A House

When our oldest daughter would bring home new friends to visit, taking them off road to our entrance would make them ask her "where are you taking me?"  Then once she would drive them past the tiny little out building that is our well house (a term I came to learn that is literally a tiny little house for the water well) she would gleefully inform them that....."oh, and if you need to go the bathroom, that is where you go" (pointing to the well house).  Hummm...I wonder where my girls get their craziness from?  Of course it was not really the bathroom, but our "temporary" living quarters in our barn is very small and may look like an outhouse or well house.   And being that there is only one bathroom, we all call out for our place in line for it.  And then there is always both of my daughter's favorite response to "were you raised in a barn?" is "why yes, as a matter of fact, I was!"  We built it ourselves and so as each year passed and we got a new item done it was soooo exciting. (it was like winning the lotto, ok...maybe a $3 scratch off, I'm not that silly)   I can remember when at first we only had a kitchen sink, and then we got one in the bathroom!  yippee!!!  Now one person could wash dishes and another brush their teeth at the same time.  (I know right!, what's that ....wash dishes???, yes, we do NOT have a dishwasher (unless you call our girls that which they hate by the way.) It's like we are on the set of Lonesome Dove!  Well ok, we have a "few" more modern conveniences.  And then when I got a light out over the washer and dryer in the "garage" area I nearly peed my pants with happiness, I could finally see down in the washer instead of feeling down in the barrel for any remaining clothes.  Oh happy days!!  Although I would still like to have the washer and dryer in a heat/air conditioned area, because it is a little hard to do the laundry when I have on a coat, hat and gloves and can see my breath or in the Texas heat when it is so hot that the clothes dry before I can get them from the washer into the dryer.   And now the stalls on the other side of the barn finally got lights too!  Now who cares if it is dark early, we can see!   To some it may not be a house, but it has love in it and is definitely a home.

Our Well House with a Fish Pond

1 comment:

  1. awww! SO many memories!!! :) I love the part the washer, because I know how true that is. lol Great Post!
