Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Guards at the Gate


I had let the horses and donkey out of the pen to let them graze on the rest of the property and LuLu did NOT want me to leave.  Every time I would get out of the car and get her to move and then while I was climbing back into the car, she would get back in front of me!  That sinker.  I waited for about 15 minutes for them to get bored and leave the gate area so I could leave, but they didn't.

Fry is checking out the car for any treats

LuLu will not give up!  She is determined to keep me from leaving.

I had to go back to the barn and call them up, give them treats and then run back down to the gate to get out!  Well that only took me 30 minutes!

All in a Days Work!

Photos By:  Lola

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