Friday, January 27, 2012

Old Dog Learns New Trick

As life is racing by now that I'm nearing 50, I find I must learn new things.....uggg, I hate changes, but as I am learning, change is the only constant.  So I am trying to learn about blogging.  My oldest daughter has one (I would link you, but I don't know how yet) and now so does my mother!  I don't have much to offer but crazy stories of how I was raised a city girl who fell in love with a cowboy and found myself after years of city married life (he moved to the city for me) we are now living in the country.  I feel like I can identify with the old TV show "Green Acres" and the movie "City Slickers", which is how I came up with my blog name.  My silly country life, maybe mild compare to some ranches around here, but for me, it has been a learning process.  

1 comment:

  1. superb!!! I love it! LOVE LOVE LOVE!! and congratulations! Yay!
