Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Texas Storms..."Sparks and Rumbles"

Yes, living in Texas has a few draw backs....although some enjoy the Thunder Storms that Texas can offer, I personally have never quite gotten use to them.  Now that we are heading into the time of the year where storms are a part of life here, sometimes I think I should take our dog's meds.  This medication is to "relax" him a bit, otherwise he pants and shakes A LOT!  We have had our first real set of storms roll in and I would jump on occasion.   I know that my eyes would open very wide when our windows would rattle from the pounding of the thunder.  My least favorite is when the sky lights up at the same time the huge clap of thunder hits, (when this happens, you see, there is NO warning, very loud and this means very close!).

My husband's dog, Jake, is the one that has such issues with storms.  We now can't say "Thunder".  If you do, he quickly looks out the window with his ears straight up on point listening for any sound of thunder.  My husband one day was just kidding with him and said...."Jake are you afraid of THUNDER?" to which Jake started shaking uncontrollably.  It was so funny, but sad.....so now we say "sparks and rumbles" to keep him from knowing what we are talking about.  Poor Jake.

Jake chilling on his "Sparks and Rumbles" Medicine but still listening for them.

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