Friday, February 8, 2013

Nothing Like Good Help

We recently had some unexpected help show up on our property.

The three little ones are helping me pick out flagstone and placing them.
And then they would sit down right where they wanted me to place them.  So helpful, just like my teenager.

After all that hard was break time.


The one we named Blue (because of her extremely clear light blue eyes) was helping with the lamb, Kevin.  She thought he needed to get some exercise and took him for a walk.

AND....he just would follow her.  

This is Tipper (she is all black except for the very tips of her paws and the very very end of her tail).  She is always looking so cute, so it is hard to get onto her when she is doing something she is not suppose to.
This is Blue (named that because she has the bluest eyes).
She is so funny and quite the stinker.

This is TAZ, he is the sweetest thing ever!!!!

These three showed up trotting around our property late one afternoon and my daughter and I were so afraid of them being attacked by coyotes so we scooped them up, fed, watered and sheltered them for the night. And they haven't left, to which my husband says...."that's what happens when you feed them."

The three of them are so funny, when ever one gets a drink they all get a drink, when one goes after something all three go after it.  When I try to walk some where, all three are right there to try and trip me!  But they have won my heart and much as I have tried to be aloof they are just too precious.  

All of our cats and dogs are mix breeds that were found or given to us and I love them all, but adding 3 more to the clan is quite a bit (we already have 3 dogs, 2 cats, 2 horses, donkey, lamb and a bunch of Koi fish,  cows and calves, a bull and we also feed the deer (14) can you say "food bill is HIGH?").

But They are so cute.....see

Especially when they are asleep....

My youngest daughter wants to keep all three, but she has been good about trying find good homes for them.  "Frowney Face"  I will miss them terribly, but trying to enjoy them now and hopefully when they do find forever homes they will be as loved as they are here and will be as happy as they are now.

Photos By:  Lola