Thursday, September 13, 2012

To the Lamb it Goes

Well to the Lamb all attention has gone.  Yes now we have a lamb.  Our daughter wanted to show a lamb this year and so we sent her on her way with her Ag teacher to a lamb sale.  She decided and bid on her lamb all by herself.  She was very determined to get what she was looking for inside her budget and came home very proud of her purchase.....Kevin.  Yes, she named him Kevin.  He will answer to it even.  I'll say hi KE...VINNNN (you have to imagine me saying it the way a lamb baa's) and he answers in a baa.

When we got a text from our daughter saying she had indeed bought her lamb, we quickly begin preparing.  We luckily had some extra stuff from the horses, so we built a temporary pen out of the old temporary horse pen panels and pulled out old water and feed buckets.  And for a shelter we emptied and dragged our old rubbermaid shed into the pen.  My husband had just finished wiring the wire mesh onto the panels when they drove up with Kevin.

As you can see all the animals have been curious of this new addition.  Yes, I'd say we are on our way to being a ranch and a farm!

LuLu and Fry check out Kevin

Jake dosen't like Kevin and runs barking full force at the pen!
Kevin has really attracted not only our attention and all of our animals, and then of course we have been worried about coyotes, but last night at 2 in the morning we hear a noise, so the whole house was up and my husband headed out with the shotgun.  I turns out a strange dog had somehow got into the horse pen and was barking at the lamb through the pen.  Luckily for us the horses and donkey where stalled and he didn't get the lamb (who remained quite through the ordeal) but also lucky for the dog that LuLu wasn't out, because she would have killed the dog.

Then today it began raining and I went to check on the animals and Kevin.  He was laying next to and outside of the shelter, so I had to pick him up and drag him into the shelter, thank goodness I got him in before it rained buckets!  I'm sure if someone had a video going, it would have been rather funny.  Me, who has NO EXPERIENCE trying to in the rain, get a lamb to get up and drag him around.  But I did IT!  So a lot of time and attention has gone to the lamb and it hasn't even been a week nor have we come to "show" time.  I think it will be a long year.

Photos By:  Lola